Happy Fall Ya'll!!! Fall has to be my favorite season of all seasons. The cooler weather, fall colors, pumpkins, apple picking and all that yummy fall food.
September through November is nothing but apple and pumpkin recipes around here. So don't be surprised if you get bombarded with a ton of both. I just can't help myself.
Today is officially the first day of fall, but here in Texas Fall is still a ways away. Today's forcast is a high of 88.
Not to bad but defiantly no,t fall like weather. Around here at Halloween you never know if you will need a coat or a tank top under your Halloween costume. Every year is different, so we will just have to wait and see.
This recipe in my opinion is the best apple pie I have ever had. I am also sharing my recipe for Pumpkin Bread, Homemade Spiced Applesauce and much more.
I hope you enjoy some of my Fall Recipes; maybe some of them will become a favorite in your house as well. As soon as the weather turns cooler I will be breaking out with some soup recipes.
I hope you enjoy some of my Fall Recipes; maybe some of them will become a favorite in your house as well. As soon as the weather turns cooler I will be breaking out with some soup recipes.
So until then enjoy the following recipes and I hope you bake up something nice and yummy today.

Thanks for sharing!
That apple pie recipe look amazing!
I LOVE homemade apple pie, the storebought stuff just doesn't do it!
Moy thats great! I need to get to canning some stuff gor xmas gifts.