First you will need to designate a night that works best for your family. Maybe it's Friday night at your house or every Sunday might works out better. Really it's all up to you and what night works best for your family. On the day of family game night we all try and decide on what game we will play and what sweet treat we will be baking to go along with it. Once we have a game picked out then we move onto what special treat we want to have to go along with it.
When we have all of that is decided then the fun begins. On Baking & Game Night it's all about having fun, playing games together and enjoying our yummy creations. You don't want to be stuck in the kitchen the whole night so, try and pick a simple treat. Let the kids get involved and help out baking up whatever sweet treat you choose. This is the perfect way to get your kiddos active and excited about cooking.
I have included some links below of a few of our Family Game Nights that we have had. Click on each link to view our game photos and find out what yummy treat we chose to bake. I hope this post inspires your family to start a family game of your own. Baking and Game Night is another way of showing you how Food and Family can come together.
Our Family Game Night Posts
Our Family Game Night Posts