We have our winner for the
$15.00 Cook's Ham Coupon, Again, I want to thank the nice folks over at the
The Cook’s Ham Company for donating this awesome coupon, I thought that was very generous of them. If you haven't already checked out The Cook's Ham Website please take a moment and stop by and see all the wonderful holiday ideas and recipes they have along with some great resources. I will also list the five runners ups that will recieve a
$5.00 off coupons good towards a Cook's Ham of their choice. Thank you to everyone who entered my First Giveaway and all those wonderful Ham ideas and recipe. I will be having another Giveaway a couple weeks before Christmas so stay tuned. Ok, the
Winner is..........
I Am Nacho Mama (Post #7) Congratulations!!!!!!!! The Five runner ups who will each receive a
$5.00 Off Cooks Ham Coupon are:
Wendy R.
Juicebox Mom
Congratulations to all the winners. Please email me with your Full Name and Address and I will mail out your coupons. Winning Numbers were generated through

~ Tina at Mommy's Kitchen ~