Dulce De Leche Cheesecake

Cheesecake Cheesecake who doesn't love it. I loved my nieces Mexican Cheesecake recipe that I made back in January, so much that I only wanted to make it better. It really is just a basic cheesecake recipe where the variations could be endless. I have a love for Ducle de leche like no other. I can eat that stuff right out of the can all by itself. My kids love to dip apple slices in it. What is Dulce de leche? it translates literally from the Spanish as “sweet of milk,” it is a food product similar in taste, texture, and consistency to a thick caramel sauce, and is made essentially of cooked milk and sugar. To sum it up it is Yum mo Good!!

All I did was make the recipe for the Mexican Cheesecake. I love the simplicity of the filling recipe, everything is just tossed together in the blender and that's it. It couldn't get any simpler. I made a homemade graham cracker crust and used a spring form pan instead of using store bought crusts. This cheesecake turned out AWESOME!!!! I loved the addition of the Dulce de leche. We wiped it out in a day and a half Ü. It was so hard to wait for this cheesecake to chill, I had a piece as soon as it cooled. After it was chilled this cheesecake was a thousand times better, I just have a lack of self control when it comes to some foods.

Mix crust ingredients together,

Press the crust mixture into the bottom of a lightly buttered 8 or 9-inch spring form pan and set aside.

Blend the first 5 ingredients in a blender

and blend until creamy. Add 2-3 Tablespoons Ducle de leche and blend again.

just like this!

Pour into prepared graham cracker crust. Place spring form pan on a cookie sheet and bake for about 45 - 55 minutes or until golden brown. If the cheesecake starts to brown to much, spray a piece of foil with baking spray and tent the cheesecake a bit. When the 45-55 minutes are up turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside for one hour. the cheesecake should look held together, but still have a lot of jiggle to it in the center. You don't want it to be completely firm at this stage. Keep the oven door shut and let the cheesecake rest in the cooling oven for one hour. This lets the cake finish cooking and cool down gently enough so that it won't crack on the top. After one hour, remove cheesecake from oven and the cheesecake is no longer jiggly.

pretty, done and golden brown! Insert knife to test for doneness, When knife comes out clean the cheesecake is done. I used my baking spatula to release the sides of the cheesecake a bit. Cool completely in spring form pan. Awesome it didnt crack in the middle ~happy dance~

Drizzle Dulce de leche all over the top of the cheesecake, chill for at least 6 hours remove spring form pan and serve.

L♥VE at first bite!

Dulce De Leche Cheesecake

1 - 8oz package cream cheese (softened)
1 - egg
1 - 12 oz can evaporated milk
1 - 14 oz La Lechera condensed milk (sweetened condensed milk)
1 1 /2 - tsp Mexican vanilla or pure vanilla extract
1 - 14 oz can Nestle La Lechera dulce de leche (seperated)
2-3 tablespoon added the filling and more dulce de leche drizzled on the top

2 Cups Graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup sugar (you can use half brown sugar but that's optional)
5 Tablespoons butter (melted)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Prepare graham cracker crust by mixing graham cracker crumbs, sugar and melted butter together. Lightly spray the sides of the spring form pan with baking spray, pat into a 8 or 9 inch spring form pan set aside. Make filling ingredients. Blend the first 5 ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy. Add 2 Tablespoons Dulce de leche and blend again. Pour into prepared graham cracker crust. Bake for 45- 55 minutes or until golden brown. When the 45-55 minutes are up turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside for one hour. the cheesecake should look held together, but still have a lot of jiggle to it in the center. You don't want it to be completely firm at this stage. Keep the oven door shut and let the cheesecake rest in the cooling oven for one hour. This lets the cake finish cooking and cool down gently enough so that it won't crack on the top. After one hour, remove cheesecake from oven and the cheesecake is no longer jiggly. Insert knife to test for doneness when knife comes out clean the cheesecake is done. Let cool, remove the spring form pan and drizzle melted dulce de leche over the top of the cheesecake. Chill overnight before it is served
I melted the dulce de leche for about 20 seconds in the microwave in a Tupperware bowl. Then added it to a sandwich size zip lock bag and cut off a tiny piece of the end. Then drizzled all over the top of the cheesecake in a criss cross design.

Dulce de leche and La Lechera condensed milk can both be found in the latin isle of the grocery store. I got mine at Super Walmart.

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The Mom in Mommy's Kitchen


Joan said…
You did a great job on that! It turned out just beautiful!! I bet it tastes even better!
This looks beyond heavenly.
Stephanie said…
Oh yum, that looks so delicious! I love dulce de leche, and I love cheesecake. I think you've got a winner here!!!
Oh Tina!! That looks INCREDIBLE!!!! Have a slice for me would ya?? I gave up sweets for Lent :( and I sure do miss 'em already! Great job - that looks so professional and super yummy!!
Maria♥ said…
Tina, what an absolutely delicious cheesecake!!

Anonymous said…
I just made this and it was so quick and easy to make.It smells so good baking,Thats for the wonderful recipe.
Ingrid_3Bs said…
That was pretty genius kickin' the mexican cheesecake up a notch with the dulce de leche. Gorgeous job on the dulce de leche drizzle. What was your secret in getting it so perfect?
Tina Butler said…
Anonymous, I am so glad you liked it. This cheescake is so versatile you can almost do any type of topping.

Ingrid, nothing special on the drizzling of the ducle de leche. All i did was melt it a bit and pour it into a zip lock bag and cut off a bit of the tip. I just drizzled lines up and down turned the cheese cake and drizzled lines that way and kept turning it and drizzling. I really want to make it again because it was so yummy.
Meg said…
It is beautiful! I bet it is beyond delicious!
Live.Love.Eat said…
This looks heavenly. I see it on the menu at our local fav Mexican restaurant.
Lynette said…
Oh my heck! That looks delicious. Love your blog.
Tina, I can't believe I actually have a couple of cans of La Lechera in the pantry. I'm trying this recipe. Sounds delicious.
Excellent job! This recipe definitely is a keeper. Thanks for sharing!
I think I gained five pounds just reading this. Hope you get a chance to swing by Momtrends for my recipe swap. Have a great weekend.

Susannah said…
Outrageous! Your creativity is wonderful. Thanks for posting this tempting recipe.

e-Mom @ Susannah's Aprons
Tina Butler said…
Hi momtrends I do the recipe swap every week. Thanks for stopping by.

E-mom thank you so much for the compliment. I stopped by your site and your aprons are beautiful. I love aprons especially the vintage one.
Anonymous said…
Your cheeseceake looks great, but how did you get it out of the pan without it falling apart? Did you flip it?
Tina Butler said…
Anonymous, It is a spring form pan. All you do it release the buckle on the side and it opens the spring mpan around the cheesecake. Then the cheesecake just stays on the bottom sheet. It opens around the cheesecake. If you have used a spring form pan then you will understand what I am talking about.
Anonymous said…
I made this today for Mother's Day. Everyone loved it. It was so easy to make and sooo delicious. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe.
Tina Butler said…
If you have problems drizzling on the dulce de leche. Just melt it a bit in the microwave on the defrost setting until it is smooth.
Anonymous said…
Hi Tina,

I was getting a little bit discouraged through this recipe. I just realized that everyone's oven is different so I just changed the setting let it cook alittle more then let it sit for an hour or so. Sure enough no cracks and a perfect cheesecake. Thank you Tina a winner indeed. Now I have something to show off to my mother law or when i go to others home:)
Joanne said…
If you can't find dulce de leche in your area, all you have to do is boil a can of condensed milk for a couple of hours until it caramelizes - and you have dulce de leche. Tastes better than the canned version.
Anonymous said…
Hi, this recipe looks great gotta try it, here in Argentina, traditionally we use dulce de leche as filling for crepes, and "facturas" Pastries of various forms, also to fill churros, basically a think choux dough put in a dough press, fried and later filled with ddl, ;)