Paula Deen Book Signing & Event + A Score for Mackenzie

I'm finally getting a chance to post the pictures from when my daughter and I got to see Paula Deen. I have to say this event was very well organized. It really was as the title stated "A Conversation with Paula Deen". It was so hard to sit and wait for her to arrive. 

When the elevator doors opened and we saw her for the first time, the room filled with screams and cheers!!!!! I told my daughter there's our girl!!! I got a really great shot of her coming towards us!! Oh my, the front row was to die for. I was giddy as a school girl seeing her for the first time, I just couldn't believe it.

As soon as she got to her seat Paula was so bubbly, giggly, and cutting jokes just like the Paula we all know so well. She just looked beautiful. She said "Dallas and Texas girls, we're like sisters in the way we think and do things. We all love our cast-iron skillets and our hair close to Jesus." The things she says just makes me laugh.
Paula was very gracious to everyone I only wish it would of been longer. After the show was over me an daughter were taking pictures of her body guard and Michael leading her to her car as she was waving goodbye. A lady came over and said she needed to talk to me.... She said I looked like a die hard fan (blushing here). 

I said yes ma'am she asked me why I bowed when Paula was walking toward us when she first arrived in the room. Goodness I didn't even remember doing that because I was so excited. I told the lady, because she's Miss Paula and I Just adore her. Well look what was in Dallas Mornings News Saturday Edition. I couldn't believe it

Southern charmer and force of nature Paula Deen pays Dallas a visit.
At Legacy Books, her entrance (accompanied by husband Michael Groover) sent the previously quiet crowd into rock-star-sighting whoops, whistles and a standing ovation. Tina Butler of Mesquite bowed, as if meeting the queen, from her front-row spot. "She's made cooking cool," Butler explained later. "I just adore her."

And yes I saved the Newspaper article and I still have it!

Captain Micheal came along Paula which was a nice surprise.

She started out cutting up just like Paula always does.

Paula getting her microphone attached. My daughter waved to her and she looked right at her and smiled. Priceless!!!!

Still greeting everyone.

Getting comfortable and kicking off the shoes to show us her new pedicure.

Michael saying a few words and he has the the coolest voice.

It was so wonderful just listening to her stories.

Time sure flew by it was time for her to go :(

hand shaking time and saying goodbye, my daughter went on stage to say goodbye wait for it........................................................

SCORE for Mackenzie!! Oh how I wish mommy was in her shoes. My daughter said Paula smells so nice. LOL. I got to say thank you for coming and shake her hand. I also got to give Captain Micheal a big bear hug. It was such a awesome night. 

This is something Mackenzie and I will remember forever, and we already have the photo framed in her room. Paula is a true Southern Lady, and I am so thankful to have finally seen her in person.

We both got a autographed copy of her new cookbook.

Thank you Miss Paula for an Evening to remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nonnas News said…
oh Im so jealous!!! That is so awesome!! What a great memory you have made for you and your daughter. Im glad to know Paula is just as she seems!! Thanks for sharing this with us!
Oh...what an awesome time!! When hubby and I saw her, she was bare foot also :) She's such a hoot! So glad you had fun. I'm sure your daughter will remember this forever :)
shweetpotato said…
omgosh I almost started crying when I saw the pic of your daughter running up and getting a hug LMBO Im such a boob :D Love the pics you are SOO lucky. Great pics too, Carm
That is so cool! I am so happy for you. What an opportunity you had.
Shawna said…
Tina, I have ZERO words for exactly how jealous I am!!! I wish she'd come to Michigan, I would totally go see her!!
McBee said…
That is so exciting!!!!!
I can see why you love her so much~she seems like such a cool lady!
Rachelle S said…
How fun!! Is she wearing leggings? lol

I saw her on her regular cooking show one time, barefoot too!
Heidi said…
How exciting! You took great pictures and I love your quote. Paula seems like one of those people you just feel like you know. What an adorable picture of her hugging your daughter. I'm so glad you guys had a great time. I'm like shweetpotato, I felt tears coming as I watched your daughter getting her hug. What a great memory.
You are so lucky to have had the opportunity to do this with your daughter. It's something that you both will always remember.
Heather said…
It looks like you had a really great time! What a nice picture of Paula hugging Mackenzie!
Kathy said…
Man, that is soo awsome!!! I am so happy for you two!!!!
Anonymous said…
I found your blog through Paula Deen's site - love it! I was beyond bummed when I discovered that I had missed her show, and I live in the Dallas area!!!

Glad you got to see her - thanks for sharing the pics. I look forward to visiting your blog more, as I also enjoy cooking with the kids. :)
Erin said…
Awesome! Looks like a great time!
Very cool and you a celebrity too!!! Too bad they didn't capture that bow in a photo. Paula such a trip - she's come a long way baby!
Tina said…
That is just awesome. What a neat memory for you and your daughter. I love that Paula Deen is as real as she seems to be. Loved the picture of your daughter!!
Bunny said…
I've been waiting to see your pictures!! She is just so awesome!!! Terrific pictures!!! I'd frame them and put them in the kitchen!!
carole said…
How very very exciting for you and your daughter. How I wish I could have been you then. I too simply adore Paula and her family.
Lucky luck you, Carole
Sherri Murphy said…
So happy that you not only got to see her in person, but your DD got to give her a hug too! What a precious memory for the two of you to share.

Paula is beautiful!
Diane said…
OMG! I am incredibly jealous! I have always wanted to meet Paula Deen!
Anonymous said…
Oh I am so jealous, I've heard she is just the coolest person, love how comfortable she is kicking her shoes off. How fun!
Tiffany said…
What a great time you had!
Ingrid_3Bs said…
That's soooo awesome1 I have goosebumps.
Anonymous said…
That is so awesome! Love the pictures.

Anonymous said…
Awww! Looks like you two had a great time. That's so nice.
Lexie said…
I am so jealous you met my Nana P :) She is my absolute favorite!!
phyllis said…
She is so Down to earth! Thats why everyone adores her. I'm headed to Savannah next week. Wish I could see her also. Going to her Restaurant if nothing else!
Your pictures were adorable, and I know will be cherished. I love your site!
Thena said…
WOW!! I remember when she first opened her restuarant in the location she is at now. My husband's company(they also did all the a/c and htg) went their for a Christmas party, and we were scared to ask her for an autograph. We got married the following March and he gave me an cookbook autographed to me. To think that was only five years ago and she has gotten so much busier since than. But still has time for hugs. So sweet.
Tina Butler said…
Thena that is so cool that your husband did the work on the ac. Paula is so big now but still is so genuine with everyone. That is what I love about her so much she trully is blessed.