Last week I was so excited to announce that I am one of the five
Velveeta Kitchenistas. Me and four other blogging moms each have a designated day at
Velveetakitchenista.com. There we will share our tips and tricks on meal planning, saving time in the kitchen, getting the most with your leftovers, tasty family traditions and recreating favorite take out meals at home. Today is
Meal Planner Monday, which is my day to host. So stop by and get my original Velveeta recipe
Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti. And while your there you can also leave a comment for chance to win some great prizes.
Don't forget to also visit me at Velveeta’s Facebook page where I’ll be on hand to answer any meal planning questions you might have and to chat with Velveeta fans throughout the day. Can’t wait to see you there! I hope you come back each and every day throughout the week and meet the other four Velveeta Kitchenista's. You can also get their very own original Velveeta Recipe and chat with them as well. They have some awesome information and ideas.
Tina ~ Meal Planner Monday Kitchenista

The picture above is just a copy of the site to get my original recipe please visit Velveetakitchenista.com.
“I have partnered with VELVEETA to serve as one of five VELVEETA it! Kitchenistas. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program, which includes writing about my cooking experiences, tips and advice at VELVEETAKitchenistas.com ; developing one VELVEETA-based recipe; and hosting “office hours” on the Velveeta Face book Page . I have also been compensated for the food purchased for my VELVEETA recipe. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.”
I am making your apple pie jam this week! Can wait to try the spaghetti too!
Wanted to say how much I LOVE this site. I use your monthly meal plans for all our meals. I made the Polka Dot cookies and Shredded Beef Tacos tonight-both were great! What items do you make for your holiday gift baskets? I think you mentioned it on one of your jam recipes. I would love to do that this year and would appreciate your feedback. Have you ever taken a picture of it?
--Tammy, Norman, OK