Loaded Baked Potato Soup & Robin Mcgraw

This comforting soup has all the flavors of a loaded baked potato, but in a soup form! 
If you love baked potatoes then you're going to love for this soup! It taste just like the real thing. It has been quite chilly here in Texas with temps only around 40 degrees making it perfect soup weather. I thought I would kick off the winter season with a big pot of Loaded Baked Potato Soup. 

Some of you may already be familiar with this soup, if that is the case consider yourself blessed. If you have never heard of it I don't know how this soup ever got passed you. This is my all time favorite soup recipe. Baked potato soup really has it all and it’s loaded!!!! loaded with cream, cheese, sour cream, bacon, and butter of course.

Just like a real baked potato, now don't let all that butter and cream steer you away. My thoughts are everything is good in moderation. As long as you don't eat the entire pot then I think you will be OK.

This soup is perfect for all the chilly days yet to come. I served my soup with a simple cheesy pull apart bread (recipe included) but any french bread or roll will do.

This recipe is best served immediately after you add the sour cream. I know once you try this recipe you will love it. OK now I am just tickled pink about what I'm going to tell you next.

Do you see the picture below....... you know who that is and what he is eating???? well I wont keep you waiting any longer.

That is Jordan Mcgraw! Dr. Phil and Robin McGraws son. Ya know what he's eating............ ikes!!!!! he is eating this baked potato soup recipe. Someone just slap me back into reality!!!! Robin made my baked potato soup recipe for Christmas Eve.

I was so excited when I went on twitter and saw the picture she posted. She said that it was very good. Robin McGraw your really made my night when I saw this photo. I'm so glad you liked the soup and thank you for giving me permission to post the photo. how flipping cool is that?


amy p said…
Well, I know we really don’t eat as much fiber as we should. But I do keep strawberries, bananas to snack on & do cook broccoli, corn, & black beans a lot. I usually keep oatmeal raisin cookies around too. I know cookies aren’t good for you, but if they’re going to eat them at least I can put raisins & pecans in them. Every little bit helps, right??

Stacey said…
Your soup sounds just perfect today! It's cold here. Brrr!

We try to incorporate fiber when possible. We eat fiber type cereal every morning...raisin bran or oatmeal usually. I buy Double Fiber bread for our lunches. I have been eating the Progresso High Fiber vegetable soup for lunch. It's delicious and very few calories!

As unglamorous as it sounds, incorporating fiber makes you feel better!
Joan said…
I have been eating that Activia yogurt with fiber in it. I think its new. Love love love it!
I also love this progesso soup set!
Have a great day! Stay warm!
Sandy Mc said…
I know what's for supper tonight!!
The soup looks wonderful. I try to add more fiber by serving oatmeal two or three times a week. When I make veggie soup I add either barley or lentils. I read labels to check fiber content in everything that I buy.Keep fruit on the counter.

Anonymous said…
I've been baking my own bread with whole wheat flour, oats and/or flax. We also keep a good supply of fresh fruit on the counter!
Anonymous said…
My favorite way to use whole wheat pasta in place of regular. Once it is boiled, you can't tell the difference. Also, grate veggies into the marinara sauce. Extra fiber AND vitamins!

Michele said…
I've been grinding my own wheat and making 100% whole wheat bread for our family for about a year now. It's wonderful. I also try to serve my family fruit at lunch and eat lots of veggies for dinner.
I am ashamed to say I have never tried Baked Potato soup, but have heard about it often. Thanks for the post....I'll give it a try!
I incorporate fiber into the diet around here by grinding my own wheat flour that I use for whole wheat bread. Nothing like freshly ground wheat. You gotta love it!
Sister--Helen said…
I think oatmeal is one of the best sorces of fiber....The soup sounds delish...
Misintx said…
I've been buying the FiberOne Yogurt and adding it to breakfast smoothies. It tastes great all by itself too.
selina said…
I love love Fiber One Cereal! I make crumbs out of the cereal and put them in baked goods too.
Unknown said…
This is another keeper, thanks! I add flax seeds to many things for added fiber, I just love them and Progresso soups too.
Kanga said…
I try to buy whole grain breads and buns and I cook with different beans and lentils as much as possible. My family loves a good 3-bean chili! *smile*
Erin said…
I love a giveaway and your soup looks great. I have tried the Activia and I like it plus raisin bran is good.
Anonymous said…
The potato soup sounds delicious!

We incorporate more fiber by eating whole grain bread and pasta products and lots of servings of fresh fruits and veggies everyday.

Stephanie said…
The butter and cream wouldn't steer me away...AND I'd eat the whole pot!! ;-) I LOVE potato soup! It's my favorite soup!

I don't do as well with incorporating fiber as I should. Broccoli is our favorite vegetable, so I try to cook that most often. I also try to use a mixture of whole wheat and white flours in my baked goods and actually love using whole wheat pasta.

Thanks for another great recipe...and thanks for the chance!
Laurie said…
I try to get more fiber through cereal. It helkps keep me full through out the day, too
Mommy Crafts said…
Well, snacks in my house are not candy...I'm starting to give out crackers, raisins, fruit, vegs. and granola bars. We eat a lot of the Activia Yogurt one because we like them and I get coupons for them!! :)
I feel better when I eat a little healthier!!

Linda said…
I can't wait to try this soup. Sounds like the same type my brother used to make.

To get extra fiber in my day, I eat alot more fresh fruits and veggies. Sometimes I will even fix a raw veggie and fruit plate for our supper. I also grind my own wheat and bake my own bread so that it is whole wheat. We have oat groats from the crockpot alot and add fresh fruit to it as well.
Hannah said…
This soup looks delicious and I've been wanting to have potato soup, so I'll have to give it a try!

I try to buy whole wheat/multigrain pasta...we actually think it's even better then the regular kind. I also try to use whole wheat flour for breads and rolls.
Emily said…
Oh. Fiber is my friend. Instead of snacking on cookies or candy at work I normally bring raw veggies to dip in hummus or PB. The best! I also really enjoy greek yogurt! Not sure the fiber count..but it's pretty darn good!
NGato77 said…
OMG!!! This soup looks soooo yummy, just printed out the recipe and am going to make it for dinner tomorrow. I'm new at this whole cooking thing, so I pray it turns out delicious. Now on to the good stuff, I try to incorporate more fiber into my diet by switching to wheat pasta. It was hard at first, being SO used to the regular kind, but I found that it gives dishes more of a hearty flavor and compliments the sauces so well. I also purchased "white wheat" sliced bread the other day and found it was quite tasty, I am officially reformed,
Dana said…
lots of veggies and fruits, wheat bread,yogurt and oatmeal. Thanks
Angie said…
I make smoothies and add wheat bran and wheat germ as well as a little ground flaxseed to them. With all the fresh fruit and yoghurt as well as the additions above they have no idea and drink them right down. I also add the above items to my oatmeal or cream of wheat and to my pancakes and waffles.
Fruit is always good. Best to go natural but I also eat more high fiber cereals.

Sherrie said…
That recipe looks amazing. TFS!
Unknown said…
The soup sounds yummy!
As for adding fiber, I use whole wheat pasta and always serve veggies with lunch and diner. My kids love oatmeal so they eat that almost every for breakfast. I also keep a bowl of fruit on the counter.
Tammy Adkins said…
My family loves granola bars! We also eat lots of oatmeal. Me and my 3 year old love broccoli, but my husband and 7 year old won't touch it. It isn't easy to make sure everyone gets enough!

That recipe does look delicious! My hubby does most of the cooking in our house (I burn popcorn, and am banned from using the oven), and I know he'll love this recipe. I'm going to pass it on to him this morning!

Stopping by from SITS!

Anonymous said…
I try to eat whole wheat and grains as much as possible instead of the white versions.

Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!! Here's my Sharefest link if anyone needs more blog followers: http://bit.ly/5hre0m
Anonymous said…
I've been putting fiber in my diet by eating high fiber foods like oatmeal in the mornings, whole grain bread in the afternoons, high fiber veggies in the evenings and for snacks I snack on high fiber fruits. With all of those I maintain a high fiber count through the day.
D Martinez said…
I am really enjoying your blog! Even signed up for updates! Great photos! Thank you for sharing with us :-)
Frances said…
Can't wait to try out the soup recipe!

I'm eating a lot more raw fruits and vegetables to increase my daily fiber.
CMash said…
Thank you for stopping by and following. I am now a follower and a subscriber. Will be adding your button to my blog. I am looking forward to recipes that can be made in advance and simple & easy meals as I am disabled and some days it is difficult to stand and prepare. Your blog is yummy and just hoping I don't put on any weight just looking at all the delicious food pictured lol.
Moy said…
I eat Wasa bread w/peanut butter for breakfast and snacks. The Wasa bread has lots of fiber and its crunchy and I love to crunch..
Your soup pic is fantastic and I want to make me some soon. Also saw your small post for eggnog cake and been looking for a good recipe. Thanks for posting it.
Rhonda said…
We have started using Whitewheat bread because we just don't like the taste of wheat. But, I am starting to substitute whole wheat flour for just part of the flour in my baked goods. I intend to gradually start increasing the percentage of wheat until we get more adjusted to the taste of wheat. ;)
Quirky Jessi said…
We add more fiber by using things like the Fiber One cereal crushed up instead of bread crumbs, for example.
Unknown said…
We eat whole wheat bread and cereals. I also make beef barley soup. Haven't tried the fiber soups yet but will give them a try. We eat more fruits than vegetable.
Mary said…
I always buy wheat bread, and try to get more fiber with leaving on potato skins and eating apples and oranges. I also try to cook beans weekly. Wherever I can keep on the peelings I leave it on.
Becky said…
I try to only buy wheat bread so we can get some fiber in us!
nmsusie said…
I like the Fiber One cereals. Some of them have about 13 grams of fiber! I also use a lot of whole wheat pasta. No one ever notices the difference.
Melanie S. said…
I try to keep fresh fruit on hand. It is a mindless way to get fiber into our diet. We just grab some fruit and enjoy! :-)
Charmingdesigns said…
I like to have oatmeal for breakfast, figure thats a good start to the day. Then for dinner, whole grain bread. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Progresso soups! They are my fave.
Please put me in the drawing!
Anonymous said…
I eat oatmeal and Kashi cereals. I am going to try the Progresso high fiber soup. I too love soups that you just open the can, heat and eat. No water added. I love your blog and was so glad you got to see Pioneer Woman. Nice giveaway.

Elizabeth H
Alicia said…
I eat yogurt with added fiber,
we buy a lot of kashi sunshine
which the kids like to eat also!
Anonymous said…
I eat high fiber cereals and bars. I also eat beans and yogurt which are also very high in fiber and good for your digestive system.
linda said…
We try to add more fiber by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegtables on hand. I have also started baking more with whole wheat flour and using more granola in my breakfast items.
annalene said…
I incorporate carrots into everything (my favorite is grating them into spaghetti sauce along with blended lentils) and snacking on carrot sticks and hummus.

email address is visible in profile
Melissa said…
I have also been trying to add more fiber to my diet. Lately I have tried to eat more 'skins' of fruits and vegetables. Such as leaving skins on my potatoes, and eating the skins of apples and pears.
jenj22 said…
I love the high figer tomato basil progresso and I tried it because it was high fiber. So I guess I eat progresso to add fiber to my diet.
KathyC said…
Your soup looks delicious! My favorite soup from Progresso is Tomato Rotoni! Yummy!

I love Strawberries & Cream, Cream Of Wheat and that is my source of fiber!

Kelly said…
I've never seen this delicious potato soup recipe but it looks soooo scrumptions. And, perfect for this Minnesota winter (that seems to have just hit this last week!).

Thanks for sharing the recipe!

As far as the fiber goes, we eat lots of raw veggies and fruits for snacks and I always by whole grain breads and pastas.
Cindy said…
I think out of all the recipe's my brady bunch cant wait for the weather to get cold just so I can make your baked potato soup
Kristi H from Ohatchee, AL said…
I love the soup and the bread looks delicious! I will definitely be trying this!
We love whole wheat bread on anything we can find. HB & hot dog buns are regulars at our house.
Anonymous said…
This soup is awesome! This is some of the best potato soup I've ever eaten. Also, my boyfriend LOVED the cheesey pull apart bread. I have to agree... it was fantastic. So cheesey and buttery good!
Sarah said…
All I can say about this soup is WOW!! Best potato soup I/We have ever had. I served it with your southern chicken planks and my husband went NUTS! He raved about the meal for 45 minutes. ( He never does that). This is now at the top of our favorite things list. Thanks so much!
shaynmasonsmom said…
Just tried this recipe last night and it was soooo good! Thanks for sharing!
Tammy said…
This is such an awesome recipe! I made it yesterday and even my carnivore hubby and picky-eater son loved it. It is so easy to make and really sticks to the ribs on these chilly nights. YUMMMM!
Jennymacc said…
All I can say is this soup was absolutely delicious! My picky kids went crazy over the cheesy bread too. It was so good, I ended up serving it with along with my Christmas dinner. I had some new servingware I wanted to show off, so I put the garnishes for the soup (real bacon pieces, cheese, and chives) in them. It was scrumptious and so satisfying!
Anonymous said…
WOW!!! this meal was amazing!! My husband was not to excited about my making soup because he is so picky but he was LICKING the bowl!! Thanks!!
Anonymous said…
I'm planning on making this today. :) And was wondering how many people does this serve? Got to make enough for 7 people.
Mommy's Kitchen said…
Licking the bowl is always a great sign. Ty for stopping back by and letting me know.

@Anonymous: I would say this recipe makes about 4-5 servings. You would need to double the recipe to feed 7.
Michelle said…
I haven't tried your recipe yet but it looks so wonderful that I want to run home and make it :-) I recently got a great deal on some bacon ends and pieces and was looking for some recipes that I could add bacon to. This is one recipe that I am adding to my list. Thanks!
Your soup was delish! I sent it to a potluck and it was the only empty dish at the end!

I baked the potatoes the day before and they still worked good for the soup, just had to chop up the "meat" a little.

I also fried the bacon that morning with breakfast bacon. I love cutting the bacon with my kitchen shears then frying it. It cooks great and doesn't need to be chopped or crumbled later.

Looking forward to trying more of your recipes!
Sheila said…
Another keeper recipe from Mommy's Kitchen. Over the years I have tried many potato soup recipes but this one is the grand champ.
Just the two of us, so I cut the recipe in half. I'm a Weight Watcher so used skim milk, light sour cream and 2% cheese....delicious. Thanks Tina for another great recipe.