I am a bit late on posting my September Dinner Menu. I have my site back up and at least running, but there are still issues beyond my control. My expanded post feature still isn't working so I will have only one post on my homepage until I can get it all figured out. I don't like it but it's all I can do at this point. I think I need some technical support and just figuring it all out with blogger has been a chore. Everything works off of a message board so it's a waiting game.
I cannot figure out why the expanded post feature does not work if the code is still in place. The same with my share buttons it's so crazy. I haven't even touched the html coding at all. I haven't posted in a week so needless to say I am going through blogging with drawls LOL. Hopefully I wont lose any readers over all this craziness. I keep telling myself... This to shall pass!! I only hope it passes quickly. I have added a linky at the end of this post if you would like too link up your September Menu for Menu Plan Monthly.
September Menu
Marlboro Mans Favorite Sandwich
Chicken & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes & Green Beans
Spaghetti a La Philly, Texas Garlic Toast
Hot Dogs & Fries
Chicken Lasagna, Salad & French Bread
Salisbury Steak, Rice & Corn
Stuffed Bell Peppers
Friendship Casserole, Salad & Duggars Rolls
Beanie Weenie Casserole & Cornbread
Cheesy Hash brown Casserole W/Ham & Veggie
PW Buttermilk Chicken Strips, Mac & Cheese & Fruit
Baked Pork Chops W/Rice & Peas
Beer in the Rear Chicken, Chantilly Potatoes, & Corn (Cob)
Fettucini Alfredo W/Grilled Chicken, Fr Bread & Gr. Beans
Crock Pot Beef Stew W/ Rice
PW Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes & Mixed Veggies
Bacon Sausage Quiche (New)
Meat Loaf, Mashed Potatoes & Glazed Carrots
Pork Medallions, Rice & Grilled Veggies (New)
Beef Vegetable Noodle Bowls, Cream Cheese Rolls (New)
Chicken & Dressing & Mashed Potatoes (New)
Grilled Honey Balsamic Chicken, Lemon Roasted Potatoes (New)
Cheese Enchiladas, Beans & Spanish Rice (New)
Neelys Blueberry Buckle
Banana Cream Pie (New)
Caramel Apple Crisp
Pumpkin Bars
Linked Recipes are recipes that are already listed on my site or somewhere else. Recipes marked as (New) will be shared as I make them. * Represents a meal carried over from last months menu that did not get prepared. If you notice a broken link please let me know so I can fix it.
Tina, The Mom in Mommy's Kitchen
I was in the hospital for about two weeks, and I wasnt allowed to eat all this yummy food on your blog, but some how it helped me to look at it? Still not sure how but it was something else to focus on besides being sick! So thank you!!