Dilly Beans are crunchy relish style green beans, pickled in a simple brine and flavored with fresh dill, garlic and chili flakes. 

I just recently purchased and learned how to use a pressure canner! It was a bit intimidating, but once I got over the fear it was really pretty easy. I had an abundance of green beans in my garden and I wanted to can them, but the only safe way to process green beans, other than pickling is by using a pressure canner.
Green beans are low in acidity, so hot water bath canning is not recommended or safe. Before my pressure canning days, I either froze or pickled my fresh green beans. Adding vinegar adds acid, which makes it safe to process the green beans in a hot water bath canner. Pickling green beans is one of the easiest canning recipes.
If you're not familiar with Dilly Beans they're a crunchy relish style green bean, pickled in a simple brine and flavored with fresh dill, garlic and chili flakes. Making dilly beans is a quick and easy way to preserve fresh green beans.
Serve dilly beans on the side of a sandwich or as part of cheese, vegetable or antipasto platter. My favorite way to enjoy dilly beans is right out of the jar. Let's get started so you can start enjoying some dilly beans!!!!
How to can Pickled Dilly Beans:
Start by preparing your hot water bath canning equipment and wash and sterilize the jars.
Wash the green beans under cold running water and trim off the ends, Trim green beans to 1/4 inch shorter than your jars.
In a medium-large size pot add the brine ingredients and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer the brine for 10 minutes. Remove and discard the bay leaves.
Pack each sterilized pint size jar with with green beans (packing lengthwise). To pack the beans easier, tilt the jar sideways in your hand and fill. Place 1 sprig or 1 head of dill into each pint size canning jar or 2 teaspoons dry dill seed per jar, along with 1 garlic clove, 2-3 peppercorns, ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes and 1/4 teaspoon pickle crisp. Pour the brine over the beans. Remove any air bubbles from each jar using a butter knife.
Wipe the rims of each jar to remove any brine residue. Place a lid and ring on each jar and screw the ring on finger tip tight.
Place the jars back into the hot water bath canner making sure the water cover the jars by at least 1-2 inches. Bring the hot water bath canner back to a boil, cover with lid and process the jars for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes turn off the hot water bath canner, remove the jars and place on a counter lined with a thick kitchen towel. As the jars cool the lids will pop and seal. When completely cool make sure lids are pressed down and sealed. If the lids are not sealed then reprocess again. Store jars in a cool dark pantry for up to one year.
Green Beans are ready to eat about one week after canning.
Yield: 5 pints

Dilly Beans - Pickled Green Beans
Dilly Beans are crunchy relish style green beans, pickled in a simple brine and flavored with fresh dill, garlic and chili flakes.
Prep time: 40 MinCook time: 10 MinTotal time: 50 Min
- 2 to 2 1/2 - pounds fresh green beans, washed and ends trimmed
- 5 springs of fresh dill weed, 4 - 5 heads of fresh dill (1 head per jar) or 2 teaspoons dried dill seed per jar
- 5 - garlic cloves, divided (1 clove per jar)
- peppercorns (2 - 3 per jar)
- red pepper flakes, divided (1/4 - teaspoon per jar)
- Ball Pickling Crisp (1/4 teaspoon per pint size jar)
- 4 to 5 sterilized pint size jars
- 2 tablespoons, pickling or canning salt (do not use table salt)
- 3 cups of water
- 1 1/2 - cups apple cider vinegar
- 2 1/2 - teaspoons mustard seed
- 2 bay leaves
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- Wash the jars in hot soapy water and rinse them out well. Place the jar rack inside the hot water bath canner and add the clean jars into the canner.
- Fill the canner pot with hot water and cover the jars. Bring the water to a boil and lightly boil the jars for 10 minutes to sterilize the jars.
- Turn off the heat and add the jar lids and rings to the canner pot to sterilize the rings and soften the lids.
- Wash and dry green beans and trim off both ends. Trim green beans to 1/4 inch shorter than your jars.
- Remove warm jars from the canner, drain and place on a kitchen towel.
- Pack each sterilized pint size jar with with green beans (packing lengthwise). To pack the beans easier, tilt the jar sideways in your hand and fill.
- Place 1 sprig or 1 head of dill into each pint size canning jar or 2 teaspoons dry dill seed per jar, along with 1 garlic clove, 2-3 peppercorns, ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes and 1/4 teaspoon pickle crisp.
- Bring the brine ingredients to a boil in a medium size pot. Reduce heat and simmer the brine for 10 minutes. Remove and discard bay leaves and pour the brine over the beans. Remove any air bubbles from each jar using a butter knife.
- Wipe the rims of each jar to remove any brine residue. Place a lid and ring on each jar and screw the ring on finger tip tight.
- Place the jars back into the hot water bath canner making sure the water cover the jars by at least 1-2 inches. Cover the canner with a lid and bring the hot water bath canner back to a boil and process the jars for 10 minutes.
- After 10 minutes turn off the hot water bath canner, remove the jars and place on a counter lined with a thick kitchen towel.
- As the jars cool the lids will pop and seal. When completely cool make sure lids are pressed down and sealed. If the lids are not sealed then reprocess again.
- Store jars in a cool dark pantry for up to one year. Green Beans are ready to eat about one week after canning. Once jars are open store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.