Whiskey, lemon, honey and cinnamon, make up this homemade cough remedy perfect for sleepless nights due to coughing.
Do y'all remember the old school Vick's Formula 44 Cough medicine? My mother bought that stuff religiously and then doctored it up with her own ingredients. I remember her pouring cough syrup into a pot (over low heat) and adding her own additional ingredients.
She whisked in whiskey or brandy (whatever she had on hand), lemon juice and added the honey last. Once everything was combined and cooled, she poured the mixture back into the bottle and stuck it in the fridge. Anytime one of us kids were sick with a cold or the flu, that's what she gave us.
All I remember was how awful it tasted, but let me tell you that stuff worked! I don't even remember the ingredients of the Vicks Formula 44 cough medicine, but I'm pretty sure that adding alcohol wasn't a good idea, but that's what mom did, so as a kid you just kind of went with it.
Back in our grandparent's and parent's generation, alcohol was widely used as a remedy for just about any ailment, including, colds, fevers, stomach issues, to clean wounds and to relieve pain. I remember mom rubbing brandy on my niece and nephew's gums when they were teething, if we had an earache she added slightly warmed olive oil to our ears to ease the pain or to loosen ear wax.
I believe that several of these home remedies still work today and I even make a few for my own family. This whiskey cough syrup is one of them. There's just something about a good, old-fashioned cough syrup that works, especially when you've tried everything else with no luck. All I know is that when I take this cough syrup, I am finally able to get some sleep and my cough always subsides.
Just 4 ingredients to make this Cinnamon-Whiskey Cough Syrup
🧉 Whiskey or Fire Ball Whiskey: whiskey works as an anesthetic to the cough response so you can sleep. It also widens the blood vessels and in small amounts, this can help clear mucus congestion in you sinuses and chests.
🍯 Honey: honey not only sweetens the cough syrup, but also coats a sore throat, is anti-bacterial and builds the immune system.
🍋 Lemon: is a rich source and boost of vitamin C, helps loosen phlegm, boosts the immune system and aids in fighting off infection that caused the cough.
🧴 Cinnamon Stick: naturally flavors the syrup. Cinnamon also helps alleviates cold symptoms by boosting the immune system due to it's antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. thins mucus to make it easier to cough and provides a warming sensation that soothes a sore throat.
Combine all of the ingredients into a pint size mason jar, cover and mix to combine. Let the mixture steep for 24 hours on the counter before straining.
Strain the mixture and pour it back into the mason jar.
Dosage: Adults 1-2 tablespoons every 4-6 hours. Store the cough syrup in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.
This recipe contains alcohol and is NOT recommended for children. I am not a doctor or medical provider, I am just sharing a good home remedy that has worked for my family for years. Always check with you doctor before starting a new supplement or home remedy.
If you're looking for a good recipe for homemade children's cough syrup (made with honey, ginger, lemon & water). Click the following link --> Honey Cough Syrup from the National Honey Board to view the recipe.